
During the year, The Melbourne Churches Together participate in various events, and these include:

• A United Service for the Week of Prayer and Christian Unity.
• Christmas and Easter messages and service details for all the Melbourne Churches are  advertised in Village Voice, Melbourne Life and on social media

In addition:

• Infant School Assemblies weekly during term time.
•  Junior School Assemblies every fortnight during term time.
• The Clergy and Church Members take an active part in the School life.

Weekly Events:
Four of the Churches take turns to host Saturday Coffee Mornings in the village.
10am to Noon. Tea, coffee and biscuits, juice and stalls etc.

  • 1st Saturday in the Month: Methodist Church
  • 2nd Saturday in the Month: Baptist Church
  • 3rd Saturday in the Month: United Reformed Church
  • 4th Saturday in the Month: Roman Catholic Church